Add-ons for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Our Bestselling Products

Price List Utilities

Price List Utilities for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Price List Utilities is an add-on which greatly simplifies price list management in Microsoft Dynamics 365. It provides a set of wizards which allow adding, updating, copying, removing, importing and exporting price lists.
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Import Tool

Import Tool for Microsoft Dynamics 365
Import Tool is a powerful Windows application which allows importing and updating virtually any CRM entity. And not just that. It can also delete or change entity state. The command line utility can be used to automate or schedule imports.
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Activities Summary

Activities Summary for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Activities Summary is an add-on which displays activities in a list view and which can be configured to display active and / or closed activities for the specified period of time, including activity details.
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Our Latest and Upcoming Products

Copy Tool

Copy Tool for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Copy tool is an add-on which simplifies copying existing sales documents and products in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You can copy products, opportunities, quotes, sales orders or invoices.
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Multi Search

Multi Search for Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Multi Search is an add-on which allows searching records across multiple entities at the same time. The search results are presented in a single window and can be filtered and sorted as required.
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Organization Overview

Organization Overview for Microsoft Dynamics CRM - Coming Soon
Coming soon...